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Shoulder Pain

We provide treatments for shoulder pain and shoulder conditions in the Dallas and Fort Worth, TX area.
A doctor in a laboratory working with equipment used for platelet rich plasma therapy

Do you suffer with pain due to any of the following shoulder conditions?

  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Rotator Cuff Tears
  • Shoulder Degeneration and Arthritis
  • Bursitis

Non-Surgical Therapy For Shoulder Injuries

Sports activities that require repeated overhead movements like lifting weights, swimming, throwing or pitching, and swinging of the arms put a lot of strain on the shoulder. Even regular, everyday activities can damage the shoulder such as gardening, hanging curtains, or even scrubbing the floors or walls. Often, injury to the shoulder is difficult to heal, and can easily become a recurring problem, even if the immediate pain has subsided. Once ligaments and tissues have been damaged, scar tissue and inflammation can continue to form and build. It is also common for the same injury to reappear, and flare up at later times.

Shoulder injuries can now be helped with non-surgical therapies. Depending on the type of injury, Atlas’ Program uses one or more of the following therapies: platelet rich plasma, bone marrow derived stem cell injections, advanced laser therapy, and physiotherapy. Our program is no longer exclusive to the elite athlete. It is for anyone suffering from shoulder injuries and are looking for alternatives to prescription medications, steroid injections, and even surgery.

Rotator Cuff Tears

Your shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint in which the ball of your upper arm bone fits into the socket of your shoulder blade. The rotator cuff is a network of four muscles that come together as tendons forming a covering around the head of the upper arm bone keeping the arm bone firmly attached to the socket of the shoulder blade (scapula).

Rotator cuff tears usually develop gradually due to stress, overuse and natural wear and tear. People who repeatedly lift their arm overhead are more vulnerable to overuse tears. These include athletes such as tennis players, swimmers, weight lifters and baseball pitchers. Those with arthritis in their shoulders also have a higher propensity for rotator cuff tears. Unfortunately, rotator cuff tears produce a lot of pain and also contribute to instability in the shoulder joint. If it is severe, there may be weakness or an inability to lift the arm.

Atlas Medical Center’s Program uses a combination of non-surgical therapies to aid in the recovery of rotator cuff injuries. Platelet rich plasma therapy, bone marrow derived stem cell injections, physiotherapy, and advanced laser therapy can all be used to help relieve pain and enhance your body’s own natural healing abilities.

An artistic illustration of red blood cells


Degeneration of the shoulder joints is usually a progressive condition that evolves and worsens over time. Shoulder degeneration occurs when the cartilage that protects and surrounds the bones begins to wear down. Without this cushioning between the bones, movement causes friction within the joint. This friction causes pain, inflammation, swelling, and can lead to the development of bone spurs.

Atlas’ Program uses one or more of the following therapies: Platelet Rich Plasma, Bone marrow derived stem cells, Advanced Non-Surgical Laser Therapy, and Physiotherapy. This combination allows us to help get you out of pain and enhance your body’s own natural healing abilities.

A photo of Lawrence, an Atlas Medical Center patient who received treatment for shoulder painWhen I came here I had a lot of pain in my left shoulder and it was bad enough to keep me awake at night and made my life miserable. I had a lot of pins/needles in my hand also. Since the injection I have lost most of the pins/needles in my hand and am able to sleep the entire night without pain waking me up!” — Lawrence J.

Disclaimer: Results vary. Please do not expect the same or similar results. As with any procedure there is a success and failure rate.

When I came here I had a lot of pain in my left shoulder and it was bad enough to keep me awake at night and made my life miserable. I had a lot of pins/needles in my hand also. Since the injection I have lost most of the pins/needles in my hand and am able to sleep the entire night without pain waking me up!” — Lawrence J.

Disclaimer: Results vary. Please do not expect the same or similar results. As with any procedure there is a success and failure rate.


The larger joints of the body contain small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae that provide cushioning between muscles, bones and tissues, allowing them to move smoothly without friction. Bursitis is the inflammation of one or more of these bursae, and often occurs within the shoulder joint, causing stiffness and making movement painful.

The most effective therapies for bursitis aim to reduce the inflammation that is causing the pain and stiffness. Atlas’ Program uses a combination of one or more of the following therapies: PRP, bone marrow derived cell therapy,  along with Laser therapy and other physiotherapies to help relieve inflammation. These non-surgical procedures have the potential to help get you of pain, and enhance your body’s own natural healing abilities.

Atlas’ Program: Relieve Shoulder Pain with Non-Surgical, Restorative Therapy

Since 2001, Atlas Medical Center has been helping patients get relief from shoulder pain even after other conventional treatments such as pain medications, cortisone injections, physical therapy and surgery have failed. Atlas’ unique program is customized depending on your age, health, diagnosis, and severity of your condition. The program can include one or more of the following procedures: platelet rich plasma therapy, bone marrow derived stem cells, advanced cold laser therapy, and physiotherapy. The integration of procedures allows us to help enhance the body’s ability to heal naturally. Our goal is to relieve pain, inflammation, and improve mobility and function to the shoulder.  Unlike therapies that simply just mask the pain and are temporary; regenerative or restorative therapies have the potential to have more sustainable results.  In addition, our skilled and experienced Medical providers perform all injections under ultrasound guidance leaving you confident that they are being injected into the TARGETED area— which allows for the greatest chance for success! 

Are you suffering from chronic shoulder pain?

Call us at 214-596-1051 or click below to schedule your FREE consultation with our medical providers!

We welcome you to set up a FREE consultation.

At Atlas Medical Center, we are dedicated to helping you get out of pain so that you can return to a more active lifestyle again— without surgery.

A group photo of the Atlas Medical Center team

Call us to set up a complimentary consultation. We promise to take the time to sit down with you face to face, really listen to you about all of your health concerns, and answer all of your questions. This will allow us to create a customized treatment plan to help get you back to feeling great again.

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What Our Patients Are Saying

General Research: Regenerative Medicine

General Research: Regenerative Therapy and Shoulder Pain

Published: In J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2018 Aug:56(8):366-371.doi:10.5414/CP203262.
 Authors: Jonhung Lin.
The study evaluated the difference between Platelet Rich Plasma therapies compared to procaine for the treatment of frozen shoulder. Sixty patients were randomly divided into two groups. Stretching and exercises were carried out in both groups during the 6 month follow up. The study concluded that PRP for frozen shoulder was superior to and the effects lasted longer than procaine.
Published: Cogent Medicine, 6:1. 2019. DOI:10.1080/2331205X.2019.1628883.
 Authors: Marc Darrow, Brent Shaw, Nicholas Schmidt, Gabrielle Boeger & Saksia Budgett, Udo Schumacher (Reviewing editor).
50 shoulders representing 47 patients with rotator cuff tears or shoulder osteoarthritis underwent one or two bone marrow concentrate (BMC) or whole bone marrow injections (WBM). The patients who were injected twice were injected 22.33 days apart. Patients who received either one or two treatments reported significant improvements in resting pain, active pain, and functionality score when compared to baseline. These groups also experienced a 42.25% and 50.17% overall improvement respectively. The group that received two treatments experienced statistically more improvements in active pain compared to the group that received one injection. The study concluded that patients diagnosed with shoulder osteoarthritis or rotator cuff tears experienced symptomatic improvements in pain and functionality when injected with BMC or WBM.
Published: International Orthopaedics (SICOT). 2014 Sep:38(9):1811-8.doi:10.1007/s00264-014-2391-1.
 Authors: Hernigou P, Lachaniette CHF, Delambre J, Zilber S, Deffiet P, Chevallier N, Rouard H.
A case controlled study reported a 10 year follow up on 90 patients who underwent surgery to repair the rotator cuff. The 90 patients were split into two groups: 45 patients were injected with bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) at the time of surgery, and the other 45 patients only had arthroscopic surgery. Mean age was 61. Patients were matched for age, sex, tear size, location and hand dominance. Rotator cuff healing was determined by MRI or CT arthrogram at monthly intervals for the first 2 years and at 10 years. 100% of the shoulders receiving BMAC injection and surgery healed at 6 months. Versus 67% of the shoulders that only received surgery healed at 6 months.
Published: Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2012 Feb; 20(2):373-7.
 Authors: Gomes JL, Canquerini da Silva R, Silla LMR, Abreu MR, Pellanda R (2012).
14 patients with a mean age of 59.2 received a rotator cuff repair and bone marrow aspirate concentrate was injected during the procedure. MRI performed 12 months postoperatively demonstrated intact repair in all 14 patients. At the one year follow-up, pain and function was significantly improved.
Published: Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Jul:98(7):549-557.
 Authors: Barman A, Mukherjee S, Sahoo J, Maiti R, Rao PB, Sinha MK, Sahoo D, Tripathy SK, Patro BK, Bag ND.
The aim of the study was to compare the effects of one Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) versus one Corticosteroid injections in patients with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Sixty patients diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder with less than 6 month duration were placed into two groups. Thirty patients received a PRP injection in the shoulder joint while the other thirty patients received a corticosteroid injection in the shoulder joint. At the 12 week follow up, a single dose of PRP injection was found to be more effective than a corticosteroid injection in terms of improving pain, disability, and shoulder range of motion
Published: Clinic Diagn Res. May 2017. RC15-RC18.
 Authors: Shashank Yeshwant Kothari, Venkataraman Srikumar, Neha Singh.
195 patients diagnosed with periarthritis in the shoulder joint were randomized into three groups. Each group had 65 patients. Group A received a PRP injection, Group B received a steroid injection and Group C received ultrasound therapy for 7 minutes every other day for 14 days. All groups were instructed to do exercises that they were taught 2x a day for ten minutes. After 12 weeks the patients in group A that received a PRP injection in their shoulder experienced significant improvement in shoulder range of motion, pain and function compared to those that received a steroid injection or ultrasound therapy.

Atlas Medical Center in Dallas–Fort Worth Earns Award Three Years in a Row for Customer Satisfaction in the Category of Regenerative Medicine

The 2018 Spectrum Award for Excellence in Customer Service
The 2019 Spectrum Award for Excellence in Customer Service
The 2020 Spectrum Award for Excellence in Customer Service

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